What do your Bromley Park HOA dues, do for you?
They provide the funds to keep neighborhood roads clear of snow and ice, beautify the front entrances, maintain common
areas and tot lots, make the pool a destination for cool summer fun, hold activities such as the annual Halloween Parade and
Summer Picnic, and much more to ensure our 266 homeowners have a community they can proudly call "home."
How much are Bromley Park HOA dues?
The 2022 Bromley Park HOA dues total is $425. Your annual dues cover two organizations: $275 to the HOA and $150 to the
Bromley Park Community Association that manages the pool and some common areas shared by our association and the adjacent condos.
Due Date
January 1st of each year.
Late Fees
$25 per month starting Jan. 31 and the end of every month there after. (See Policies for more detail)
Payment Options
Bromley Park's management company, Sentry Management (formerly Your Peace of Mind), sends the annual dues notice via regular mail to homeowners in November. The packet includes
a payment coupon and self-addressed envelope to Sentry Management.
Automatic Withdrawal or Pay in Installments
If you prefer automatic withdrawal or would like to pay in advance in smaller increments leading up to the January 1 due
date, visit Sentry Management's Make A Payment webpage.
Pay by Credit Card
Visit Sentry Management's Make A Payment webpage for payment options by Credit Card or automatic debit withdrawal. Follow the steps to the bank site. You will need to enter
data from the tear-off payment coupon you received in the mail. We accept American Express, Discover, Visa and MasterCard.
Pay by Check
Make payable to "Bromley Park Homeowners Association" and mail to:
Bromley Park HOA
P.O.BOX 30437
Tampa, FL 33630
Make sure to include your account number, lot number, and/or payment coupon.