The Homeowners Association has a number of committees that we are looking for members to get involved with. The committees
This committee is in charge of making sure the architectural integrity of the subdivision remains in intact.
This committee is in charge of making sure the subdivision remains appealing to the eye.
This committee is in charge of making sure all homeowners receive timely updates via the newsletters, web site, and word-of-mouth.
This committee is in charge of creating social events for all homeowners and their families to enjoy.
Neighborhood Watch
This committee is in charge of helping to keep our subdivision safe. The committee works closely with the Township to
make sure everyone is informed and working together to keep the area safe. For more information, visit the our Neighborhood Watch page.
We are always looking for new members and fresh ideas. If you are interested in working on any of these committees, have
questions or would like more information please send us an email at