Welcome to Bromley Park Homes!
Bromley Park is a community of 266 single family homes located in scenic and rural Superior Township, Michigan. Our community is conveniently located between the cities of Canton and Ypsilanti. We are proud of our private pool and
kids' playset areas enjoyed by the residents of Bromley Park homes and condos.
This website keeps homeowners informed of the news and events of the neighborhood.
The success of our community starts with communication and continues through with the generosity of volunteers. If you
have suggestions and/or time you would like to share, please contact the board. We are always looking for fresh ideas and a little help.
-- Bromley Park Homeowners Association Board.
News & Announcements
Your Peace of Mind merging with Sentry Management
Your Peace of Mind is merging with Sentry Management. Bromley Park homeowners should now send emails to southeastmichigan@sentrymgt.com.
Gaining access to pool and playground area
To gain access to the pool and playground area, visit the Pool Information page for gate key instructions and rules of use.